Website Update

 Website Update

Below are the updates and changes made to my about me page:

I began by updating the picture as the old one was a little too old and outdated. I have changed it to a picture I have taken in the City center recently. The facial expression is purposely more professional and without filters or funny actions/poses. 

Next, I updated the about me text to reflect a more recent and updated version of myself as can be seen below:

Additionally, I updated the home page background to one of my ocean odyssey pieces:

I then finally added a different underwater background which I had drawn on Procreate to bring this project to life on the website. 

I believe these updates went well and how I wished they would turn out, they have brought my website to life and represent my work and my art as an artist to a greater extent. 


  1. Did you update your homepage? If so, include that on here as well.

  2. Ok, better. What do you think of your updates - have they come out as you intended?


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