Diorama development part 2

I noticed that my diorama was lacking in color and was just a plane of grey and green so I decided to add variants of blue to represent under the water as the water is filled with dark blues as well as different mixtures of green. I also added different materials like tiny little beads representing barrels from sunken ships as well as flotsam Which I had made out of toothpicks broken and glued together using the hot glue gun to represent the sunken ships.  I then glued those around as well as added a light brown rope As well as other small items to represent some sunk treasure.

The process for that can be seen below:

Making of flotsam

Addition of little items to represent treasure and age decay

Blue rocks to represent the sea

Final Piece can be seen above.

I then used photoshop to modify the clear acrylic plastic to a light blue filter to represent an underwater tank.

Without filter:

With filter:

I then added the filtered variant to my 3d diorama portfolio on my website.

Reflection:I believe this 3D diorama was my greatest work this year thus far incorporating many forms of mixed media including acrylic plastic paint paper mache styrofoam sawdust and more. I think this piece represents what I wanted to create out of my 2D digital Castle rather well really bringing the Castle to life and showing its age using that moss.  I believe areas in which it could be improved include this styrofoam looking less rough as well as the structure of the building pieces looking more composed and more rigid from age and tear


  1. The term is flotsam, not flocksum. Are you going to put a filter over this work in your portfolio?


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