Logo making

 Logo Making

I decided to make a logo based around adventure and the ocean theme so I decided to include a castle in my logo as well as the color scheme blue to represent the ocean. These were the ideas and variants I came up with before coming to a final choice.

Option 1
The text was too far from the logo so I decided to keep trying. 

Option 2
This was better I felt like it was missing something and too bland on the outside.

Option 3
This was better but I didn't like the font. 

Option 4
I decided to go with option number 3 but then decide to change the font to Monsterrat which I have used on my website and because it looks more professional so I arrived at option 4 which I ended up using for the game's final logo. 

Other video game logos I looked at:

I noticed a recurring theme between all of these game logos is they are vibrant and exaggerated, captivating the audience. I realized this would be useful when creating my logo. So I decided to use vibrant shades of blue to represent my Ocean while also considering this technique. 

Reference list:

Dive into anything (no date) Reddit. Available at: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/dez6d1/here_are_most_of_well_known_video_game_studio/ (Accessed: 06 June 2023). 


  1. Consider the target market for this project in this post - what first impression do you want to make on the people you want to play your game - use some examples of other game logos as reference here as well (this will show a greater breadth to your research). There are some examples here at Behance: https://www.behance.net/search/projects/?search=fantasy+logo


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