Castle final piece

Here was the process of completing the final piece for the castle:

I started out by sketching a simple silhouette of my castle into two parts, the foreground which is darker and more sinister and the background which is lighter. I also added simple dark green coral to represent the age this castle has withstood.
Afterwards I added texture to the castle and the corals as well as more detail helping the structure of the castle come together. I also added light yellow throught the doors which i took inspiration from Dimitrov’s. Work which I have looked at earlier. 

Once again increasing detail and then I tried to add light seeping in from the surface of water. I also added a gradient of light in the water for contrast.
I added the same wave and water surface effect at the top, while also adding bubbles and fish for variety and harmony of sea-life. Also finalizing the structure of the castle. 

For final touches I cleaned up any random and unnecessary lines, and finalized the light from the surface and i decided to have it faintly infront of the castle for contrast.

Here is the final piece:



  1. Talk more about the tools and the software you used for this image - there is not enough information here to support what you are showing us.

    Add reflection on this post - what would you do differently, what would you change, how might you improve this?


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