2D piece: Entrance to the Castle development

Castle Entrance 

Initial sketches following the fantastic 5. I made arcs and pillars like I originally thought and developed them including detail of the arc that can be seen below. 

I also sketched stairs which I ended dup using for the bottom to look as close as possible to the audience. 

I began adding it to procreate, I decided on using a blue theme as the castle I made earlier is blue.

I then added the stairs at the bottom leading to the entrance as well as a glamorous marble-like texture for the floor above the stairs. 

I then added more color and texture to the top while finalizing the balcony-like structure which I had also sketched out earlier. 

I then added some light and background to the water to show the castle is open to water as people live underwater so it wouldn't make sense to be closed off. 

Above is the final piece

I believe this piece is well composed and with good structuring however I think the background is too distracting from the main foreground at the front but I didn't want to leave it as just dull water. 


  1. Again, add visual reference - showing examples of your inspiration is important. Otherwise, this is better.


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