The Fantastic Five

 The Fantastic Five

The first thing that came to my mind when I thought of the theme Oceanic was an underwater video game. I was thinking of ocean ruins, Atlantis, and ancient Greek gods such as Poseidon and Merpersons. My first drawing was the first that came to my mind which was a trident the Greek weapon wielded by Poseidon in ancient history, it’s a great representation of the sea and its power. I believe designing my own unique trident would be interesting and good for this project as well as the theme.

Secondly, I thought of sea shells as they are a part of the ocean and play a big role in them, it was my first thought when I heard this term’s theme required a 3d form of work as well as 2d. These are very versatile and come in all shapes and sizes so I can experiment to create my own unique shells for the project

Thirdly I thought of a merperson with water powers, I plan to make him stand out by using different objects for hands such as fins or tails… I think this is a great character to work on especially for the theme and for game art as characters are the core of a video game.

The fourth sketch was very rough but the thought process behind it was an entrance to an underwater castle, a fancy luxurious entrance.

The fifth sketch was the castle itself and a stairway leading up to it under the eater, I believe lots of various ideas can be done with this such as marine life and sun rays from the surface of the water coming in etc.

I plan to develop all of my sketches into final pieces while considering their structure and their meaning. I will upload all of my development in different posts for each of the final 2D pieces that I make. this includes developing my ideas such as my main character going from a simple sketch to a final outcome and the same for the rest. I believe it is important for me this term to show my development of the pieces thoroughly unlike last term.


  1. Add text at the bottom of this post - what are you going to do with these drawings? What is the next step? Add a follow up post with further development drawings - this is something you have none of so far!


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