Smart objective

 I want to create 6 pieces for my project 4 2D, 2 3D pieces for a video game concept. An underwater castle, entrance to the castle, merperson character with powers, seashells 3d piece and trident 3d piece. I plan to finish the first week of June and upload research and development of my project on my blog along the way. I plan to use digital resources for my 2d work such as procreate and photoshop.

There will be 2 parts to the castle which I will make in 3D, one will be entrance, the other will be part of the castle itself. I plan to use procreate for the digital pieces and then potentially photoshop to refine. The 3D pieces will be made out of scrap material and workshops, I plan to use the plastic workshop for acrylic pieces to create the underwater tank for the castle. 


  1. A bit more detail in this SMART please - the materials you might use for the 3D work.

  2. Louai, in your meeting with Zoe, she made it very clear that in order to pass this module and progress to your chosen Undergraduate course, you had to achieve a minimum of 51% this term. So far, you are using your blog inconsistently, don't appear to be responding to feedback and are still missing sessions at the Art Factory. I suggest you start to show more commitment to the project in order to achieve the desired result at assessment.


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