Creation of main character

For the main character, I wanted to incorporate a full body and multiple views and focus less on his facial features and more on the whole body as he is the character that will be played. I also used a base template I had designed by experimenting randomly once again. There are a lot of hints of purple in the main character as well such as these pink-looking diamonds on his armor. However, they aren't the same purple found with the villain as his purple shades look more menacing which I have done on purpose. I have also added a pink diamond shape on the main character's helmet. 

 Reflection: I think this is a good piece for simple game art concept terms which was my aim here as to have variety. I also think the texturing I had done on the armor is good. The color combination maybe needs improvement as the red feels a little out of place. Potentially adding more detail as well may also be useful. 


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