Recreating an Artwork

 Recreating an Artwork

For this task I worked with another student, Ciani. We picked out the following artwork by Caspar David French because we found the structure and theme of this piece to be interesting. A man dressed in full black standing on what seems to be a mountain or a hill looking out on a beautiful horizon.

Me and Ciani planned the following:

Get a stick

Find a big black cloth 

A good black coat

A place to take the picture

Luckily I have a long black coat so we used that, and we found a stick in the art factory storage. We were still missing a black cloth but after digging a lot in the cloth and fabric basket we found a perfect one which was long and perfect for the recreation. We decided to use the couches in the breakout room and layered them and positioned to match the rocks in the picture as much as possible. We covered them with the black cloth and then i stood on top of them as the model with the stick and Ciani took the picture. 

The final piece:

Not the best replica I believe the horizon where I was looking at was little un-matching but i think it was a successful piece nonetheless. 


  1. This is a good collaborative project, and I like your process photographs included in the post to show how you worked together to re-create the scene from Caspar David French's work. Can you tell me more about the background of this task... for example, reference 'The Getty Museum challenge', where people have to create their favorite art with 3 things that were available in the home. This links in well with how resourceful you had to be with materials from the studio.

  2. Caspar David French??? Check this.


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