Listening to music and sketching

I was listening to the genre phonk, more specifically the song metamorphosis. It’s a very mystical and mysterious song so it was giving some interesting ideas for my purple haze theme. 

This was the first thing that came to my mind, a castle for the final boss which is an evil king. I imagine to theme the kingdom and the king in a lot of purple as it is a royal color and color of corruption. 

I also made a plan:
-Main character wants to get the Amethyst sword which the corrupt king king owns
- He fights the minions which are the purple creatures sent by the king and ventures the lands till he has the fight with the king. 
- he defeats the king in his palace and then acquires the amethyst sword 

- I will design one enemy( troop for the king)
- the main character 
- a bow and sword for him
-kings castle
- king (villian) 
-the amethyst sword


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