Hiroshi Yoshida

 Hiroshi Yoshida

Yoshida was a very famous Japanese artist known best for his paintings of landscapes, ranging mainly working in the Shin Hanga style and was very well known for it. He traveled a lot of the world including Europe Asia and USA. He was known as one of the best and biggest advocates for the Shin Hanga art style which is an art movement in Japan. It is making westernized modern work without giving up the traditional Japanese woodblock prints. He used woodblock prints for the majority of his works, below is an example:

This is one of his many landscape drawings of mount fuji.

He used the woodblock print process for this painting. 

starting by engraving with chisel cutters

He then draws on his wood, cuts out the block, inks it in then re cuts and reinks. 

I believe his work is a great example of landscapes and especially Japanese ones as he made very detailed works while capturing the environments really well, his work will be a good example for developing my landscape drawings.

Reference list:

Rbanks and Instructables (2022) Creating, cutting and printing your own woodblock, Instructables. Instructables. Available at: https://www.instructables.com/Creating-cutting-and-printing-your-own-woodblock/ 

Hiroshi Yoshida (no date) Hiroshi Yoshida Shin Hanga Artist | Japanese Woodblock Prints. Available at: https://www.asianartscollection.com/a/Hiroshi-Yoshida/71 

Hiroshi, Y. (1970) Fujiyama from Okitsu, The Art Institute of Chicago. Arts of Asia. Available at: https://www.artic.edu/artworks/197023/fujiyama-from-okitsu 

Wanczura, D. (2020) Hiroshi Yoshida - 1876-1950, artelino. artelino GmbH. Available at: https://www.artelino.com/articles/hiroshi_yoshida.asp 


  1. Lovely visual which links in well with your theme idea for where/when your game is set.


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