Further Research

 Hideta Kitazawa

I will be looking at Kitazawa's mask work to get an idea as to how he comes up with the design, and his thought process in turn helping me on how to design some of my masks. While also relating them to Noh theater and what the purpose was. This should prove useful in helping me understand Japanese folklore and history which should help me with my game concept which revolves around this. 

Noh Theatres: 
Noh masks are human-looking masks that are very creepy looking. These were used in Japan in the 1300s to 1500s for a theatre called Noh theatre for entertainment purposes. It is said that the mask is always built with the intention of a neutral expression. They were also usually designed with the top always leaning more inward than masks typically. These masks were used heavily in Japanese folklore. I will consider the features of a Noh mask when designing my mask however I am not a big fan of this mask design. 

 Reference list: https://www.the-noh.com/en/world/mask.html


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