Website research: Lisa Liao and Mathias Takacs

 Website research Comparison

I am looking at game artists Lisa Liao and Mathias Takacs website's. Comparing the links navigation, user friendliness, design, typography and communication of the sites. Comparing them to each other.. 

This will help me design as perfect and most suitable as I can for a game artist's website thus helping with the creation of my site. 

I will begin by looking at Mathias Takacs site. He has a very straight forward site, his font is simple and narrow. The font is a San serif style that is white on a black background and it contrasts well, it also turns red when hovering over a hyperlink which is a good touch as it matches his name which is red. This clearly entitles a light color theme going on which is bright red on black. The design of the website is quite blank with a black background which is clearly on purpose so the viewer isn't distracted by it. It makes the viewer notice his work a lot more and not be distracted by some animated or busy background. The homepage is just a display of his work and when hovered over can be clicked and linked to a new page with more in depth detail about that piece of work. It also turns the image bright red which once again relates to the red theme of his website. The work is put right next to each other. I think this works well as he layed out the 2d work and 3d work and separtely so the viewer can have a look at what they want to easily.  He has a bigger gap between the text in his name top left which leaves a more memorable look in the viewer's head because it stands out. 

He mixed his about and contact me page into a one page called Resume. He talks about what he has achieved, what software he's familiar with and where he has worked in the past. He put icon links of his email and likendin profile at the top, I think this is clear and simple and gets the point across that those are hyperlinks. The theme is once again red and works and matches well. This page has a background of what seems to be a character that is cut off by the text therefore i think it's rather pointless and somewhat distracting. 

The mobile site is similar to the PC site except work is displayed one by one vertically, so less is in view at once. I think this works really well as it's less distracting and has the viewer focus on each piece one by one. The links to the other pages are in a sandwich bar 

I then looked at Lisa Liao's page:

Her home page is super simple with very basic font but it gets the point across, she uses San Serif font as well. She displays her work/portfolio on the home page. She has also put sub units for her different type of artwork. I think this works well as once again it simply shows the work and is straight forward. 

Comparing the two:

I think it is visibly clear Mathias has put in a lot more effort into his website than Lisa. He has red theme where it seems she didn't give the theme any thought. However both are straight forward and get their work across, info about themselves and contact details. Overall they both are good websites which get the job done but I find Mathias's to be more refined and clear, this could also be because he used a more professional looking font. She used a more default looking font which is bland and boring to the eye.


  1. Good that you have completed this and there is some good detail and some critical comparison at the end - I think you could have made more judgements here but quite good


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