About Me page

 About me page:


I am a game artist currently pursuing further studies at De Montfort university. Having grown up in Kuwait, a very anti art country where I was barely taught simple art. I have achieved this level of art using practice and self study. 

My obsessions include gaming, anime and art. Fantasy art and ethereal vibrant anime art inspire me and make me feel a different type of way. The pieces that hit a spot for me send me to the heavens and beyond. However only a hyper substratum of art makes me feel like that. They push me to be able to create pieces as such someday, it is why I have chosen to be an artist. I have a never ending dream of achieving graceful art. Subjective yes, but I have already identified what level of art is graceful in my eyes. 

Ideally one day I aspire to be a part of a design team for Triple A title game in a major company. Until then I continue to improve my work and work towards a bachelor in Game Art that is widely recognized in the gaming industry.


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