Welcome to my blog!

 Welcome to my blog!

My name is Louai Iskandar, this is my current blog account for DMUIC and possibly the same one for when I further my studies at DMU. I'm going to continue on to Game Art in the next years, I am a very big fan of video games. I've played games on every platform including PC, PlayStation, Nintendo, and Xbox. I have a combined total of about 2000 hours on Overwatch, about 1000 hours on super smash brothers, 700 on League of Legends, 800 on Valorant, and a lot of others. So it's fair to say I have a good knowledge of gaming in general. So I realized this is probably the most suitable career path for me.

I also have a big love for Anime, but not particularly by the stories of the anime because to be blunt, I don't like that many Anime shows/movies but I absolutely drool over good anime art. That beautiful overly colorful Anime style worlds, worlds that look far prettier than the world we live in. Not to mention the characters, some characters in Anime look absolutely drop-dead incredible. I think it has something to do with the way their facial features are drawn: big unique eyes, luscious long hair, and unnatural eye colors like purple, really I could go on forever as to why I love Anime so much and it inspires me to try and produce art like it. 

Almost every frame of the movie Your Name which was directed by Makoto Shinkai is drop-dead gorgeous, here are 2 examples:

References I added above are from the movie Your name, which was produced in 2016 by Makoto Shinkai. I am by far beyond inspired by his work on this film, the artwork in this movie is unlike anything else. Its art is mainly composed of Japanese countryside and Tokyo city which both push me in the art aspect of my potential to want to produce something of that level someday in the future. There is a lot of art that inspires me but by far his work is just unparalleled. I feel some form of gravitational visual pull every time I stare at it as if I can't stop looking amazed; a definition that can't be described in mere words for me.


  1. You need to add your reference sin a reference section at the bottom of this post and you need to add some commentary about your research in your post - Good introduction to yourself though


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