Sequential images, My own



For this set of sequential Images, I used 5 of my necklaces to create a set of images which represent me. Each necklace represents a different side/personality of me to some extent. Some represent a very different side of me while others represent a similar side. The first of my final picked-out images are plain, with no necklace on. It is a great representation when I feel neutral and sometimes sad, too down to put a necklace on. 

The 2nd image is a necklace that I wear rather often and is one of my favorites, it is simple and cute, and it represents my somewhat feminine persona. The side which convinces me to wear earrings or in this case a gold necklace with a cute illustration. It is rather pretty, I usually wear this when I am confident and feeling myself.

The 3rd image is the gold version without the cute little illustration, I wear this necklace more to show off my fashion style when I'm feeling rather classy. The classy persona.


The next necklace is a representation of a rather big size owl, it represents the love of animals I have. I have a big love for animals and owls happen to be one of my favorite animals, Truly majestic and beautiful. Often related to bad omens, but I couldn't disagree more with such superstitions. They are innocent and statuesque. The animal persona.

The next image represents my surreal side. I wear this very flashy tiger necklace when I feel really courageous as it's a rather somewhat show-off piece. Nonetheless, I do wear this when feeling quite feisty.  

The final necklace happens to be my favorite one due to its simplicity and the authentic color of true silver. It was a gift from my grandmother, therefore, it is very sentimental for me. I could wear this all the time when I'm sad or happy or even neutral. It is the perfect representation of my overall personas combined as it has an aspect of every other necklace in it. Noticeable but simple and aesthetic, still cute so it represents every side of me. I call it the "Inclusive Persona" necklace.


  1. Okay good you have explained the concept - you need to add technical details - which camera/phone did you use and which settings did you use on the camera - just go to file information on the pictures


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