Sequential images artist research:

 Duane Michals

Duane Michals is an American photographer born in 1932. He showed serious interest in photography in Surrealism, dreams, and nightmares.

One of the more interesting sequences by Duane Michals is Heisenberg's mirror of uncertainty:

This piece used a lot of distortion and messing with reality, a rather interesting take. I could possibly use this technique and benefit from this in my future pieces.

When he made this piece of sequential images, he was invited by the French Vogue to illustrate a piece about quantum physics and this is what he produced. A rather exciting piece he created using a convex mirror. He clearly stated that he made her lips slightly bigger in the mirror until finally when she looked at the audience, the face in the mirror was blank. Creating a mirage of opportunities for what could be interpreted in countless different ways. Truly a piece of art and a staple in photography and particularly sequential images for decades to come.


  1. I do not think that Michals saying 'we see what we want to see' is claiming photography cannot reveal ones private nature but there is an arugument for another time. Again you have no reference section please add this and please relate this research to the work that you are doing and state what you have learnt from it


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