Advert Practice

 Advert Practice

Today, I will be creating my advert using Pixlr. This will be a practice advert of my final advert, explaining my process as I go along. 

I opened pixlr and used pixlre for my advert.

Here, I clicked create new, then used print and picked A4 size. I titled it practice advert, furthermore I used a white background. I then rotated the page horizontally by clicking page top left and clicked page rotation then rotate left.

I then used the plus icon bottom right to insert an image and I enlarged to fit the whole canvas and then locked the layer.

I then added a text saying the power is in your hands which is my tagline. I enlarged it and spaced it out apart. Size:255, font: adlofine. 

I then used tailor brands to make my logo and then changed the fonts size and color. I then added the logo to my advert using add new image and adjusted the positioning. I then added this logo to the bottom right of my advert.
Here is the final practice advert.

Reflection: I think the tagline is catchy, I think the image is too busy and distracting so this advert isn't very effective so for my next advert I will improve on capturing the reader's attention while trying to be more simplistic and straight forward and more aesthetically pleasing. 


  1. Very good technical detail and a clear good idea with good reflection - well done


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